A Daily Gratitude Practice: Why? Because It Works.


No matter what’s going on, be grateful.  

This is not always easy, that’s why it’s a practice.  If we begin to pay attention it becomes clear there are thousands of things all around us to be grateful for.

The simple habit of cultivating gratitude can give us: improved sleep, increased resilience for when things get tough, increased self-esteem, psychological buoyancy, and help us stay more balanced through all the changes and phases in our lives.  

Try this Three Step”Gratitude Practice” from Joanna Macy, environmental activist and Buddhist scholar:

1) Notice:
Scan your recent memories and identify something in the last 24 hours that you are pleased about. It can be something very simple, something that makes you think, “I’m glad that happened.”
2) Savor:
Close your eyes and imagine that you are experiencing that moment again.  Notice any colors sounds, sensations, smells, tastes, colors, and notice how you feel.

3) Give Thanks
Who or what helped this moment to happen?  Was anyone (or anything) else involved?  If so, think of them and imagine expressing your thanks.

This simple practice helps us train our minds to notice the upside of life more easily and quickly, and, over time, this can have a profound impact on our health and happiness.