Movement Puts Life Into Our Cells, Literally!

Our bodies require movement, a lot of it, to operate fully. And that's the reason exercise is nearly always listed as beneficial for health issues. But it's not just our joints and muscles that are protected by movement. Did you know that the health of our eyes and thus our vision can be impacted by lack of movement, as well as our digestion? And without movement we just don't FEEL our best each day.

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Pause, Reflect, and Let Go of 2021

It's mid-December and we are finishing up another year. And, for many of us, what a challenging year it was! I'm a very big fan of slowing down, especially at the end of things, and December is an especially potent time to slow down.

Last Saturday the Nourish Your Vitality group met for our monthly retreat and together we honored 2021, and went through a process of pausing, reflecting, journaling, and acknowledging our year in order to let it go.

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Recipe: Fall Endive or Escarole with Blue Cheese Dressing

One of my favorite fall treats. Crisp greens like endive and escarole (endive is pictured below the kale in this photo) are heartier than lettuce and have more "bite". These greens can be slightly bitter and stand up well to a blue cheese dressing. This dressing also works beautifully as a sauce for steak, or dip for carrots or cucumbers.

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Shots, Surgery, Pills Or Are There Better Ways to Pay for Pain Management?

I recently read an article published in Vermont Medicine that really got me thinking and I wanted to share it with you; "Study Shows Better Way to Pay for Pain Management".

When we have a pain issue, our medical system typically pays for things like shots, pills, and surgeries. Often these are a blessing, and can help those with unrelenting pain manage each day. But, sometimes these approaches don't work, and addiction, or despair and depression set in.

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A Hamburger is a Whole Food

Let your body be your guide in terms of nourishment. I've seen there's no "one size fits all" when it comes to food, but one rule of thumb we can all use is to avoid processed foods, or anything you couldn't create in your own kitchen. (For instance, Pringles can't be made at home!) And remember, a hamburger is a whole food, as is an egg, an apple, brown rice, fresh veggies, and fruits. The more processed a food is the more likely it is to have additives that harm us--and over a lifetime those additives can add up.

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Love and Focus: Create a Healing Field Where Change is Possible!

Sometimes we struggle with stubborn patterns of behavior, thinking, or with an illness, and despite all our hard work and effort, the pattern won't budge; in fact the pattern seems to be totally intractable, and set in cement! Some patterns are indeed entrenched and longstanding. They seem to be etched into our very being, and most often they don't go away on their own.

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Guidelines for September

After The Autumn Equinox: We Move Towards the Season of Hibernation and Deeper Reflection

--Take good care of your body as the fall progresses with exercise every day. Make time to get outside and walk twice a day, and if possible, work next to a window, to get as much natural light as possible. This will tend to help your body stay warm, keep your mind focused and clear, and keep seasonal sadness at bay.

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