Seasonal Baking: Quinoa Apple Cake


A hearty Fall and Winter favorite

This cake, from Homemade Winter by Yvette Van Boven, is a fall and winter favorite at our house, and makes a great, fast, hearty breakfast.  It’s substantial, the whole grain support of quinoa on a cold morning feels good.  It never lasts too long around our house.    

Quinoa is known as a “modern superfood” and is high in protein, as well as being a complex carbohydrate with low glycemic index

  1. Remember to soak quinoa overnight, or for a few hours before cooking.  

  2. Preheat the oven to 350º F (175º C).

  3. Boil 1 Cup (175g) Quinoa in water for 10 min. until tender and drain throughly.

Mix Quinoa with:

  • 1 cup self rising flour

  • 2 apples in chunks

  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar

  • 3/4 cup (125g) raisins

  • 7 tablespoons (100g) melted butter

  • 1 tsp. EACH of cinnamon, ground ginger, freshly grated nutmeg, and a pinch of salt

Pour the mixture into a greased loaf pan (you can line the bottom with parchment paper — Yvette does.)

Bake for about 50 min. and check — if it seems too gooey when inserting a knife, bake longer.  I usually end up having this in for 75min.