Announcing "Reset for Resiliency”: New Yoga and Meditation Membership!

What an intense journey it's been for the last 6 months!  Honestly, I was not sure what to expect this fall!  I was planning on going into the autumn season teaching my regular courses online, but an idea rose up about a membership and it grew into such a fantastic experience over the summer that I'm BEYOND EXCITED to offer it out to you in September!  You'll find details below about the Reset for Resiliency Membership program; I want to extend a warm invitation to join me and experience the benefits of practicing yoga and meditation together!

We're going into the fall and into a historic election season; it's a stressful time, and extra good time to add in supportive health habits in right now: more sleep, COVID sanity strolls, nourishing food, and meditation and prayer.  Staying strong and building resiliency is key.

Looking back to early March, not many of us understood how devastating a global pandemic could be. 

By April, here in the US, we were experiencing horrible losses on the east coast.  In May much of our country opened up and let its guard down, and by July the death rate started to climb again. At this point there have been over 5 million cases of Covid-19 in the US, and, it might feel like there is no end in sight.

Most likely, you’ve had challenges during this time: you may have been an essential worker or lost your job. Perhaps you’ve been sick or you’ve known people who’ve been sick. You may miss family members, worry about them, or may have lost family members.  Even, if you haven’t experienced any of these things, you may have felt scared, developed anxiety or depression, or felt loss, frustration or anger.  In my family, we’ve experienced nearly all these challenges. 

One of the things I've learned in the past few months is that regular, virtual yoga practice with a live group REALLY helps.  Connecting with my community has been a bright light in a dark time.  And while I certainly miss seeing people in person, it’s not safe to breathe deeply in crowds right now, and may not be safe for quite some time.

When I began to practice regularly this summer, leading the Nourish Your Vitality group on Zoom, noticed I was sleeping better right away. I felt stronger, steadier, and healthier, despite the chaos in the world.  The feedback from the group confirmed that regular yoga and meditation has definitely supported their health and wellbeing.   

This new yoga and meditation program, Reset for Resiliency, will be opening up September 8th! 

Look for details below and sign up for the waiting list here!


We all need yoga right now!  

While we've been at home for the last 6 months we might have had access to thousands or maybe millions, of virtual yoga sites, as well as tons of meditation apps. 

But there's a drawback to these resources; with recorded classes, you don’t get any human interaction. There's no love, support, or accountability!

A live group is a real gift. The group cheers you on, helps you get through hard times, and joining a group REALLY increases the odds that you'll succeed in making changes. 

This summer I started teaching live online Zoom classes and this allowed folks to check in with our group, connect, and also ask questions. 

The meditation classes have been a great support. A client told me last week that our sessions were creating a deep sense of peace for her.

Because I saw these classes working so well I decided to open classes up to the public.

How does the "Reset for Resiliency" membership work?

Your monthly membership allows you to attend three live-streamed yoga classes and two live meditation sessions with Suzanne each week.

For the month of September, you'll be able to join for only $27 per month, the "Founding Membership" Price (Regularly Price $47 per month)

Learn more + add your name to the waitlist here!