Anxiety or Ease? How You Breathe Can Make All the Difference

Has this week felt like a year?  I don't think I have EVER seen anything like the news cycle in the last 7 days! We are all energy beings; national and global events have an effect all of us.

In chaotic times it's especially important to take steps to create peace in our lives.  And right now, as we go into the darkest time of the year, it's a great time to step into daily habits that calm our minds and lift our spirits.

The way we breathe can either create more peace in daily life, or more anxiety.  Slow deep breathing is one way to move from stress into ease, or the "rest and digest" state.  

When there is real, or even "perceived" danger we go into "fight or flight" mode.Think about how frequently you may have been stressed in the last 6 months! In this state our breathing becomes more shallow, blood is diverted away from our digestive tract and directed towards our arms and legs (ready to fight off danger or make a run for it). Our heart rate increases, muscles contract, adrenaline increases, and digestion is down regulated. This is fantastic if we are running from a tiger, not so great if we are trying to eat a meal or trying to go to sleep.  And it's possible to get stuck in this fight or flight state.

One  solution to stress is Alternate Nostril Breathing, a calming breathing practice that can lead to more peace.  5 minutes, twice a day is considered to be a "therapeutic dose". Regularly practicing this breath can lower our heart rate, lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular function, improve cognitive function, and help our nervous system relax.  It's the most foundational way we can support our health.

Try it with me for five minutes on the video above.  How do you feel now?
What might happen if you practiced this breath twice a day for a week? Let me know what results you get!