Your Body Loves Predictability and Rhythm

Reset for Resiliency

Having a good solid rhythm in daily life supports health; when we begin to create regular times for simple things like rest, exercise, and meals, our bodies REALLY like that predictability.

As part of the natural world we are governed by pulsation or rhythm, think of it:
our breath moves in and out in a rhythm our hearts beat in rhythm
our cells move waste out and take in nutrients in a regular pulsation

When supportive rhythms get disrupted our health suffers.  Although it might challenging, particularly right now, try adding in some simple routines (even if you generally don't like routine) and see how your body feels after a couple of weeks.

Rhythm and predictability are the biggest reasons I included live-stream classes into my yoga membership, Reset for Resiliency.

When you treat your body, heart, and mind to yoga and meditation 3 times a week, at particular times, that rhythm begins to make a huge difference

Attending the live sessions helps, but if those times don't work, create your own regular schedule by watching the recorded classes.  With regular movement and meditation you'll be more focused and strong all day.  Your cells will communicate better, your mood and your sleep will be better.

You can still sign up for only $27 per month, but that pricing goes away on 10/5/20 at midnight ET!  

Sign Up Now!