Guidelines for September


After The Autumn Equinox: We Move Towards the Season of Hibernation and Deeper Reflection

--Take good care of your body as the fall progresses with exercise every day. Make time to get outside and walk twice a day, and if possible, work next to a window, to get as much natural light as possible. This will tend to help your body stay warm, keep your mind focused and clear, and keep seasonal sadness at bay. 

--Keep drinking plenty of water and herbal teas.  Becoming dehydrated affects your thinking and mood in negative ways.

--Keep your head warm on colder mornings, cover your ears, and perhaps wear a scarf to keep your neck warm. 

--Oil message is fantastic in any season, but especially in fall.  A quick oil massage on your feet before your shower can keep you grounded, especially in uncertain times.

--Diet: warming foods are helpful, especially at breakfast, choose oatmeal or cooked grains. Our bodies need richer and more nourishing food now.  Increase the amount of healthy oil in your diet.  It's a good way to maintain moisture in your body when you turn the heat on in the house. Soups and stews are warming and filling, as are root veggies, all meats, and dried dates, raisin, apricots and figs. Choose warming spices like cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, and ground chilies. Fresh ginger is wonderful to warm you up. Unfortunately, fall can be a time of year that's difficult for those that want to lose weight. We are naturally more hungry in the fall and seasonal depression can result in more emotional eating. Stick to schedule of regular mealtimes to reduce disordered eating.

Sleep: turn off electronics early to rest before it's time for bed. If you've been having sleep difficulties a relaxing evening routine is essential. You might naturally find yourself more tired with the early darkness; get to bed on time and allow plenty of time for sleep before the morning alarm goes off.