Love and Focus: Create a Healing Field Where Change is Possible!

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Dear Friends,

Sometimes we struggle with stubborn patterns of behavior, thinking, or with an illness, and despite all our hard work and effort, the pattern won't budge; in fact the pattern seems to be totally intractable, and set in cement! Some patterns are indeed entrenched and longstanding. They seem to be etched into our very being, and most often they don't go away on their own.

Dr. Claudia Welch writes about this issue in her book "How the Art of Medicine Makes the Science More Effective". She says, "Wouldn't it be great if there was a magic serum that would soften that cement to allow change? There is. It is called oxytocin."

Oxytocin is sometimes called "the cuddle hormone", or the "love hormone", and it increases when we love or feel loved. Released into our brains under the right circumstances, oxytocin regulates our emotional responses including trust and empathy. Thanks to oxytocin, we get a relaxed, tranquil feeling when we’re with people we care about.

Oxytocin softens "the cement" that is us.

The next step is to focus on the new pattern we'd like to bring into our lives.

When we focus, or concentrate with love, we're more likely to create an environment where things can begin to shift, and change can take place.

Love and Focus together create the "healing field" where change is possible. Love (oxytocin) makes us more receptive to change, and concentrated focus allows us to enter the territory where sustainable change is possible.

How much faster and easier would it be to make the changes you'd like to make if you had support?