Keeping Good Company Helps

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Over the years I've heard my meditation teachers emphasize the great importance of "Keeping Good Company". What we focus on matters, and when I'm with people who have a good effect on me, I receive so many benefits. When we come together with kindred spirits we are more likely to be able to maintain healthy patterns and perspectives.

Start to examine the influences around you: your environment, your thoughts, what you are streaming these days, the news you take in, and pay close attention to whether they are having a positive effect on you.

There are so many ways to "Keep Good Company" in the 21st Century. Maybe it's getting together with friends, like the photo above, or perhaps it's reading an author you enjoy, taking an online class, regularly reading an uplifting blog, or listening to a podcast as you go for a walk.

Feeling a sense of hope, of goodness, and of love is so key these days. And all the healthy eating in the world won't help if we are not keeping good company, in all kinds of ways.

Sustainable change starts from a calm, grounded place, with love. We learn new information and then take action. It's not always easy, but I help you make the changes you need in the most fun and efficient way. Lifestyle change is doable, sensible, and essential for good health.