Sleep Deeply for Better Immunity this Fall

We’re heading toward the fall equinox and you might have noticed that suddenly it seems like it’s growing darker much earlier.  

And when it’s darker you might feel tired much earlier.  

And, since the last six months have been so intense, you might even be MORE tired than usual.

Instead of trying to "push through" that early evening tiredness with more sugar, coffee, or screens, consider surrendering to it, and go to bed early. According to Ayurveda, turning off the light by 10:30 pm will help you sleep more soundly.  (I’ve totally found that to be true in my life, living proof that you can learn to sleep so much better.)

I know.  It's really hard to sleep when there’s a pandemic, systemic racism is coming to light, a historic election is nearly upon us, and fires and floods are sweeping the US.

But, I would also say all that because it's so intense right now it's an exceptionally good time for excellent self-care. Getting some deep sleep is the number one action to take for better immunity, and better brain function to meet these times.

Sleep strengthens our immune system and benefits every cell of our body.  Getting between 8 and 7 hours of sleep is great, but, if you’ve been sleep deprived or exhausted in the last 6 months, you might even need 9 or 10 hours.

Autumn is a natural time to get some deeper rest, after the activity and the heat of the summer.  if we do make an effort to get more rest, it can help support our health through the winter.

How to do it:
When you feel tired in the evening shut the screens off, and wind down with a relaxing, enjoyable activity: baths, reading, a hobby you do just for pleasure and turn the light off by 10:30 pm. (or before!)